Uveitis is an inflammation of the uvea - the middles layer of the eye consisting of the iris, ciliary body and choroid. It can have numerous causes including eye injury, inflammatory diseases, and exposure to toxic chemicals used in the manufacturing processes.
Types of Uveitis
Anterior uveitis: It is the inflammation of the iris (iritis) or the iris and ciliary body.
Intermediate uveitis: It is the inflammation of the ciliary body.
Posterior uveitis: It is the inflammation of the choroid.
Diffuse uveitis: Also known as panuveitis is the inflammation of all areas of the uvea.
Symptoms of anterior uveitis include light sensitivity, decreased visual acuity, eye pain, and red eyes
Intermediate and posterior uveitis usually are painless. Their symptoms include blurred vision and floaters, typically in both eyes. Most people who develop intermediate uveitis are in their teens, 20s or 30s.
Diffuse uveitis has a combination of symptoms of all types of uveitis.
Uveitis has dozens of causes, including viral, fungal and bacterial infections.
An ophthalmologist can sometimes identify the cause if there has been trauma to the eye, such as from surgery or a blow, or if you have an infectious or immunological systemic disorder.
It involves number of blood and other lab investigations to find out the cause. Treatment is mainly in the form of steroid drops or cycloplegic drops.
In severe cases, oral steroids and other steroids sparing medications are also given for a longer period.